22 January 2011

Nøgne Ø #100 Barleywine-Style Ale | ZE Beer Review

I review a bottle I've had in my cellar for a while, Nøgne Ø #100 Barleywine Style Ale. It's a nice American-style barleywine, but doesn't quite blow me away.

Zymurgical Explorations grade: B+

Should We Review Skunky Beer?

I was going to review the Belhaven Scotch Ale, but due to the clear bottle it was overtly skunky. Is it fair to review beers that we know aren't in their prime? I open the question to the peanut gallery.

Zymurgical Explorations Year in Beer 2010

As a little bonus for all my subscribers, I thought I'd go ahead and do a year 2010 wrap-up video. I've done a chronological countdown of some of my favorite and least favorite beers, with a bit of explanation about why I chose to leave some stuff out at the beginning.

I hope everyone had a wonderful 2010 and 2011 has gotten off to a great start.

Zymurgical Explorations Year in Beer 2010

Unertl Weizen | ZE Beer Review

I thought this was a hefeweizen when I bought it, but it turned out to be a dunkelweizen. Still a nice beer, though.

Zymurgical Explorations grade: B

03 January 2011

Mikkeller Amarillo Single Hop IPA | ZE Beer Review

This is the first of my month of imports, a beer that Shana just picked up for me in Indianapolis, Mikkeller's Amarillo Single Hop IPA. I've never had an Amarillo single-hop, so this was a very cool bottle for me to try.

Zymurgical Explorations grade: B+

Beer Acquisitions 2011-01-01 or Why I Have the Best Girlfriend Ever

In which I show off a bunch of beer my girlfriend bought for me when she was in Indiana right before New Year's. Lots of great stuff coming up for review soon.

Bell's Expedition Stout Vertical Tasting

This will be my last review of 2010. Happy 2011, everyone!

A vertical tasting of one of my favorite Russian Imperial Stouts, between a 2008 and a 2010 bottling. Lots of fun.

Zymurgical Explorations grade: A

Stone Double Bastard Vertical Tasting

I do a vertical tasting of Stone Double Bastard, between a 2005 bottle and a 2010. The hops definitely fade out on this one.

Zymurgical Explorations grade: B+