31 December 2008

Beer Review, Bell's Christmas Ale

Bell's Christmas Ale
Comstock, MI
5.4% ABV

Appearance: Dark orange (almost red) body, nonexistent head, heavy amounts of carbonation suspended in the glass. Even aside from the bubbles, this is a very hazy beer -- I can't see through it to the other side except vague lights. 4.0/5

Smell: Clean dry malts, very bready. Other than the strong aroma of grains, not much else to the aroma. No hops present. It's good, just not complex. 3.5/5

Taste: Sweet caramel malty start, slightly dry in the finish. A touch of astringency to the aftertaste. A nice flavor, not very complex -- little I can really say about it in detail. 4.0/5

Mouthfeel: Moderate. Coats the tongue well but not quite as thick as you'd expect from a good Scotch Ale. 3.5/5

Drinkability: This is a good beer that is perhaps a tad mislabeled. I'd consider this closer to a bock than a Scotch Ale -- it's not high enough in alcohol or thick enough to justify the label its given. Not a lot of complexity, but a great flavor that makes it worth picking up. 4.5/5

Overall: 3.9/5

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