28 September 2010

Michigan Brewing Screamin' Pumpkin Spiced Ale

Michigan Brewing Screamin' Pumpkin Spiced Ale (bottle)
Webberville, MI
Unknown ABV

We sold out of this in a single day at my store here in Kalamazoo. It's smooth, clean, sweet, easy to drink... and basically nothing else.

Zymurgical Explorations rating: 6.0/10

Originally reviewed in text format on 11-26-2009:

"A: Pours gentle orange-yellow with a two-finger white head that dissipates quickly. Very slight haze.

S: Strong pumpkin aroma, sweet but also slightly dry, with a bit of hop bitterness underneath.

T: Sweet pumpkin flavor, very clean, with a bit of a spicy aftertaste. Perhaps cloves? Some nutmeg, some other assorted spices.

M: Moderate thickness, low hops, low carbonation. Very clean, easy-to-drink.

D: Overall very drinkable, if uncomplex. An incredibly accessible beer for those new to the style or to those who don't otherwise drink beer at all."

(I guess I was kinder to this beer last year.)

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