23 August 2008

Beer Review, Samuel Adams Double Bock

Samuel Adams Double Bock

Appearance: Dark brown, clear, slight clean head. Bubbles rise slowly from the bottom of the glass. Quite nice, enticing. 4.5/5

Smell: Highly malty, chocolaty, sweet, strong roasted notes. Almonds, perhaps? Very nutty, invigorating. 4.5/5

Taste: Heavily malted, low carbonation, very sweet, very nutty. Notes of coffee and chocolate abound. Finishes somewhat astringent due to the alcohol, and can be a bit cloying when it warms. 4.0/5

Mouthfeel: Moderate-to-thick. Not quite as thick as a decent RIS, but for a dopplebock it's quite thick. Coats the tongue well, and carbonation is very mild. 4.5/5

Drinkability: Quite enjoyable, although a bit cloying, and worth buying more regularly. 4.0/5

Overall: 4.25/5

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