14 November 2010

Beer Appreciation 101 (Part 2 of 3)

This is part two of an experimental series for me. I recorded a three-part series for people who are interested in pursuing the hobby, but who have no experience. In this series, I'm going to be talking about how exactly we examine, smell, and taste beer, with a final part dealing with some of the more general philosophical issues regarding rating beer.

This is not meant to be complete, and I am definitely interested in hearing people's thoughts, particularly from those new to the hobby. Suggestions for future videos are welcome.

In Part One, I detailed the way to pour properly, and talked about some of the things you can learn from looking at beer, and some general aroma notes.

In Part Two, I'm discussing issues surrounding taste, including mouthfeel and drinkability. What techniques should be used when attempting to get the most out of a beer?

Part Three will consider philosophical issues.

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