18 May 2008

Beer Review, Ommegang Three Philosophers

(That's right, I finished my short story and have even submitted it.)

Ommegang Three Philosophers

Appearance: Pours into my snifter with a dark reddish-brown body and a thick one-finger off-white head. Head is foamy and viscous, sticks around leaving significant lacing. 5.0/5

Smell: Strongly fruity notes, nice cherries, dark, nutty, slightly yeasty. Complex, but slightly astringent. 4.0/5

Taste: Strongly yeasty, bready. Strong flavors of cherries, hints of chocolate. Belgian funkiness far in the background. Finishes clean and leaves me ready for more. 4.5/5

Mouthfeel: Thick, chewy due to yeast, with a moderate amount of carbonation. Slightly astringent on the finish due to alcohol. 4.0/5

Drinkability: You'd think that a beer this sweet and this alcoholic would get cloying after awhile, but in general this is a very quaffable brew, finishing nicely and giving a nice warm feeling inside. Not the greatest quad ever, but then again it's a blend, so what can you do? 4.0/5

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