28 February 2009

Beer Review, Cru D'Or

Cru D'Or Organic Belgian Style Ale
Fort Bragg, CA
8.0 % ABV

Appearance: Reddish-brown body, thick head that dissipates slowly. Head is creamy and bubbly. No significant effervescence. 4.0/5

Smell: Sweet cherries up front, slightly malty backbone. Slight Belgian funkiness. Aroma is mostly sweet and fruity, a bit monoaromatic, but decent. 3.5/5

Taste: Belgian yeasty tartness very strong up-front, with a strong flavor of chocolate-covered cherries immediately after and in the aftertaste. Very sweet, so sweet that it overwhelms the nuttiness that I'd expect from a dubbel. The alcohol is well-hidden, as there's no astringency here despite the 8% ABV. 3.5/5

Mouthfeel: Moderate for a dubbel, which is still fairly thick by beer standards. No carbonation present. 3.5/5

Drinkability: It's a bit cloying over the long term. It's okay but hardly worthy of North Coast's best efforts. 3.5/5


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