18 February 2009

Beer Review, Miller High Life

Miller High Life
Milwaukee, WI
5.0% ABV

That's right, Miller Freakin' High Life. A friend left a few of these in my fridge, and I'm taking the opportunity to review one. It's not the first macro I've had, not even the first macro I've reviewed.

Poured ice cold, as is best for the style.

Appearance: Completely transparent light-yellow body, one-finger white head that dissipates quickly. Slight effervescence from the bottom of the glass. There's even a touch of lacing. I've got to say, for the style, it's not a bad appearance. 3.5/5

Smell: Corn, very sweet corn. Lots of adjunct malt. Almost citrusy. Is it a good aroma? Well, by craft beer standards, it's horrible, but it's reasonable for a macro. Nothing actively unpleasant, at least, which is more than I can say for a lot of beers, even a lot of craft. 2.5/5

Taste: Sweet up front, lots of fermented corn, dry on the finish and cloyingly sweet on the aftertaste. I always make sure I have something better to wash it down later and get the flavor out of my mouth. 2.0/5

Mouthfeel: It's basically water, with a very slight carbonation. It's clean, but it doesn't give you anything to hold onto. 1.5/5

Drinkability: Eh, I'll drink it if you set it in front of me or give it to me free. It's basically alcoholic water. You don't drink it for flavor, you drink it for the effects. Still, not actively unpleasant and there are worse macros out there. 2.0/5

Overall: 2.35/5

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