11 January 2010

Great Divide Saint Bridget's Porter

Great Divide Saint Bridget's Porter (bottle)
Denver, CO
5.9% ABV

I'm feeling uninspired tonight, so here's another one that's just a repost of my BA review. Lame, I know.

A: Dark body, brownish-black with a slight reddish tinge. Thick brown-colored head that sticks around and leaves some lacing.

S: Lots of chocolate malt, slightly sweet, notes of licorice. Hints of dry roastiness.

T: Dry, malty, slightly sweet on the aftertaste. Hints of raisins. Some graininess on the finish and an almost rye-like flavor on the aftertaste.

M: Creamier than anticipated, low carbonation, low hops.

D: A very nice porter. Kind of screams of England to me, even though it's made in Colorado.

Scott from work gave me a bottle of this because he loved it so. I can't say that I like it any more than any of a dozen or more porter/stout-type beers I've had. I'd take a Great Lakes Edmund Fitzgerald or even an Anchor Porter over this any day. Still, it's quite nice and worthy of Great Divide.

My overall BA rating: 4.05/5

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